♦What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?
Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, is a medical practice that developed in China over 5,000 years ago. TCM’s main focus is treating the “Root”, which is the underlying cause of an imbalance. As a secondary focus, it treats the “Branch”, which are the symptoms. The basis of this medicine is to allow for the body to function in the Parasympathetic Nervous System or “Rest and Digest”, rather than the Sympathetic Nervous System or otherwise known as “Fight or Flight”. TCM brings the body into a balanced state, or homeostasis, where it can heal itself and help prevent disease.
♦How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles at specific points on the body. The selection of the points depend on the particular condition of the patient, and the diagnosis given by the practitioner. Studies show that Acupuncture increases the level of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. For one example, Acupuncture can increase the production and movement of Endorphins, (the Happy Hormone) in the brain, which have an effect on our emotional wellbeing.
♦What does Acupuncture feel like?
There are a few sensations that are normal and may sometimes be felt during a treatment. When needles are inserted, you could feel no sensation, or a slight pinch that dissipates quickly. Depending on where the needle is inserted, you may feel a heaviness, tingling, or a sensation of gentle movement that occurs on a specific Meridian. After the needles are inserted, the overall experience is commonly very relaxing.
♦What should I expect during my first visit?
Initial examination uses a combination of Western medical diagnosis and Eastern medicine diagnostic techniques. This can include taking blood pressure, orthopedic testing, heart rate, pulse and tongue evaluation, abdominal palpation, facial diagnosis and detailed questioning. A complete health history form that includes questions about your medical history, your family’s medical history, and your lifestyle. You may receive a treatment following the initial evaluation only if it is deemed that you are a good candidate for acupuncture, and agreed that you would like to go forward with treatment.
♦What forms of payment are accepted?
Many credit cards are accepted including Discover Card and American Express. Cash and personal checks and Flex Pay cards are also accepted.
♦What can Acupuncture treat?
According to the WHO (World Health Organization), some of the diseases or conditions for which Acupuncture has been proven effective according to WHO includes but not limited to:
♦Commonly Treated Conditions:
Neck Pain
Back Pain
TMJ (Painful Jaw)
Whiplash Injury
Sports Related Injuries (Sprains and Strains)
Frozen Shoulder
Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow
Osteoarthritis/ Knee pain
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
♦Surgery Preparation and Recovery
Swelling , Bruisings, Medication Adverse Reactions, and Scar Reduction
Headaches (Tension, Migraine)
Bell’s Palsy
Dizziness/ Meniere’s Disease
Paralysis/ Numbness
♦Respiratory Tract
Common Cold, Bronchitis
Eye, Ear, Nose & Dental
Post-Tooth Extraction Pain
Acute/ Chronic Laryngitis
Acute Sinusitis and Rhinitis
Acute Ear Infections
♦Fertility Support
Infertility (Female, and Male)
Cycle Regulation
IVF and Invitro Support
♦Reproductive and Pregnancy Support
Morning Sickness, Nausea
Labor Induction
Malposition of Fetus
PMS, Cramps, Irregular Cycles
Pre-Menopause, Menopause (Hot Flashes, Headaches, Mood Swings, Insomnia
Renal Colic
Colds, Flu, Fever, Bronchitis
Behavioral Issues
Digestive Issues
Eczema, Psoriasis
Hormonal Changes
♦Digestive Disorders
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux (GERD)
Constipation, Diarrhea
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Crohn’s Disease, Colitis
Abdominal Pain and Bloating, Nausea
♦Cancer Treatment Adverse Reactions
Side effects of Chemo or Radiation Therapy:
Fatigue, Nausea, Pain, Dry Mouth, Scars, Rash, Fever, Dry Skin, Insomnia, & Anxiety
*It is always advised that you consult with your physician regarding any condition you are seeking acupuncture treatment for.